EOTech Holographic Hybrid Sight II EXPS2-2 with G33.STS Magnifier User Manual

Page 27

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by pressing both the UP and Down buttons simultanously.

Corrective Action 2: Ensure the battery is inserted properly. The positive (+) end should be
positioned on the side of the battery cap.

Corrective Action 3: Replace the battery with a new, unused battery that contain a full

Corrective Action 4: Inspect the battery contact points in both the battery cap and in the
sight itself. Ensure that they are free of debris or corrosion.

Corrective Action 5: Reset the electronics by removing any source of power for approxi-
mately two minutes. This will allow a capacitor in the electronics housing to drain of power,
resetting the electronics. Reinstall the battery and operate the sight as normal.

Corrective Action 6: Check the battery contacts for corrosion or wear. Clean the contacts.

Corrective Action 7: Turn in the sight for unit level maintenance.

Failure: The reticle is fuzzy/ has a ‘halo’ effect/ has more than one reticle:

The reticle is naturally pixilated and the outer circle will appear to be made up of many