American Fibertek Net I/O N-111 User Manual
Page 40
The port number indicates which port on the target device the N-111 will attempt to
connect to in client mode. Note that these numbers refer to the number of the serial port
as indicated on the device and web screen, not the IP port number. This number has no
function in server mode.
The flow control setting is used to control the function of the CTS/RTS pins when the
port is configured in RS232 mode. With flow control set to ‘Hardware’ the RTS output
pin on each port will only be asserted when that port is connected to a destination that
can receive data, and the port will only transmit data when the CTS input pin is asserted.
With flow control set to ‘None’, the RTS pin will be asserted all the time and the CTS
input pin will be ignored.
Procedure to link serial ports on two Net I/O devices together
The serial port function of the N-111 is intended to be used with two or more N-111
devices on a network, where a serial port on one N-111 is linked to a serial port on
another N-111. The only restriction is that client and server ports must be linked
together in one-to-one pairings.
To link serial ports on two N-111 devices, you must designate the port on one device as
the Slave, and one port on the other device as the Client. The Client port must be
configured with the IP address of the Server, and the port number of the port on the
server being connected to. The Server port may either be configured with the IP
address of the Client, or set to ‘’.
It is recommended that both ports in a client-server pair be set to the same hardware
mode and the same baud rate. Setting different baud rates between the two ports is
permissible, but not recommended as characters may be dropped if data is coming in to
the higher speed port faster than they can be transmitted out of the lower speed port.