Airlink PinPoint EDGE/GPRS User Manual

Page 92

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PinPoint EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32


AT Commands: UDP





hh=01 : SLIP mode

hh=02 : PPP mode

hh=03 : UDP mode

hh=04 : TCP mode

hh=07 : PassThru mode

hh=0F : PinPoint MDT

hh=13 : Modbus ASCII

hh=23 : Modbus RTU (Binary)

hh=33 : BSAP

hh=63 : Variable Modbus

hh=73 : Reliable UDP

hh=83 : UDP Multicast

See also S53 to set the port for UDP or TCP.

Enables UDP auto answer (half-open) mode.

n=0 : Normal mode

n=2 : Enable UDP auto answer mode.

Set or query UDP auto answer idle time-out. If no data is sent or received before the time-out
occurs, the current UDP session will be terminated. While a session is active, packets from
other IP addresses will be discarded (unless *UALL is set).

n=1 - 255 Time-out in seconds.

n=0 : No idle time-out (Default).

The dial command always uses UDP, even when using ATDT.

n=0 : Dial using the means specified (default).

n=1 : Dial UDP always, even when using ATDT.


When this parameter is set you cannot establish a TCP PAD connection.

Accepts UDP packets from any IP address when a UDP session is active. If there is no UDP
session active, an incoming UDP packet will be treated according to the UDP auto answer and
AIP settings.

n=0 : No effect (Default).

n=1 : Accept UDP data from all IP addresses when in a UDP session.