HP MSA 2040 SAN Storage User Manual
Page 18
Invalid or unknown ArrayId '{ArrayId}' in {cmd}
Ensure that the array management controller system
names and IP addresses have not been reconfigured
since SRM was configured.
Failed to open lock file {filename}.
Check file and directory permissions for the
specified filename.
Unknown or missing DeviceId parameter
'{DeviceId}' in {command} request.
Verify that SRM and the SRA are configured
correctly. Also check the health of array and
network paths between the SRM host and both
unknown or missing DeviceId parameter '{DeviceId}'
in {command} request.
Verify that SRM and the SRA are configured
correctly. Also check the health of array and
network paths between the SRM host and both
No valid sync point found for volume {vol} during
the {command} operation.
The operation failed on this volume because no
valid sync point exists for the volume. In SMU, use
the Snapshot Properties table to verify that the
specified volume has been completely replicated
from the protected site. See Chapter 6, “Using
Remote Snap to replicate volumes” in the MSA
SMU Reference Guide.
Timed out waiting for replication set for volume
{volume} to transition to conflict status on array
{arrayname} at {file}:{line}.
Verify that the specified volume has been created on
the array and retry the operation.
Timed out waiting for replication set for volume
{volume} to transition to online status on array
{arrayname} at {file}:{line}.
Verify that the specified volume has been created on
the array and retry the operation.
The SRA syncOnce command timed out waiting for
replication images for volume(s) [{volumes}] to start
on the array.
Check to make sure that the array is healthy, and
repeat the operation if necessary to ensure that the
volumes are replicated.
No SRA snapshot found for volume '{DeviceId}' in
{command} request.
The SRA failed to export the snapshot in a previous
testFailoverStart operation, or the snapshot has
already been removed, or the snapshot was not
found due to a problem communicating with the
management port on the array.
An existing SRA snapshot {snapshot} must be
removed before the testFailoverStart function can be
performed on {volume}.
Remove snapshot volume {snapshot} before trying
the test failover operation again.
reverseReplication cannot be performed on target
volume {volume} because original protected volume
{target} is still mapped on remote array
Ensure that both arrays ({localArray} and
{remoteArray}) and their corresponding SRM servers
are running and manageable over the network.
Failed to log in to array at {url} ({response})
Ensure that array IP addresses are configured
correctly and that the array is reachable from the
SRM host. Also, if any array IP addresses have
changed, it may be necessary to delete and
recreate the remote system definitions on one or
both arrays.
Execution of command "{cmd}" failed on array at
{ipAddr}: {err}
If the error message did not specify the reason for
the failure, open the specified address with a web
browser to check the health of the array.
No IP addresses specified for MC for command
Verify that the IP addresses for the array are
configured correctly on the array and on the host.
Table 1
SRA error messages and suggested actions