Using storage elements, Clustered server elements, Network adapter teaming – HP StorageWorks X1800sb Network Storage Blade User Manual
Page 25: Management tools, Hp systems insight manager, 25 clustered server elements, 25 management tools

Using storage elements
The last step in creating the element is determining its drive letter or mount point and formatting the
element. Each element created can exist as a drive letter, assuming one is available, and/or as mount
points on an existing folder or drive letter. Either method is supported. However, mount points cannot
be used for shares that will be shared using Microsoft Services for Unix. They can be set up with both
but the use of the mount point in conjunction with NFS shares causes instability with the NFS shares.
Formats consist of NTFS, FAT32, and FAT. All three types can be used on the storage system. However,
VSS can only use volumes that are NTFS formatted. Also, quota management is possible only on
Clustered server elements
HP StorageWorks X3000 Network Storage Systems support clustering. These storage systems support
several file sharing protocols including DFS, NFS, FTP, HTTP, and Microsoft SMB. Only NFS, FTP,
and Microsoft SMB are cluster-aware protocols. HTTP can be installed on each node but the protocols
cannot be set up through cluster administrator, and they will not fail over during a node failure.
Network names and IP address resources for the clustered file share resource can also be established
for access across a network to a variety of clients. Permissions can then be granted to those shares
based on users or groups of users in each of the file sharing protocols.
Network adapter teaming
Network adapter teaming is software-based technology used to increase a server's network availability
and performance. Teaming enables the logical grouping of physical adapters in the same server
(regardless of whether they are embedded devices or Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
adapters) into a virtual adapter. This virtual adapter is seen by the network and server-resident
network-aware applications as a single network connection.
Management tools
HP Systems Insight Manager
HP SIM is a web-based application that allows system administrators to accomplish normal
administrative tasks from any remote location, using a web browser. HP SIM provides device
management capabilities that consolidate and integrate management data from HP and third-party
You must install and use HP SIM to benefit from the Pre-Failure Warranty for processors, SAS and
SCSI hard drives, and memory modules.
For additional information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack
or the HP SIM websit
X1800sb and X3800sb Network Storage Blade