Install step 2, Example a-1, Creating a startup file for the server – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 133

Library Media Manager Quick Start Guide
Library Media Manager Installation and User’s Guide— 529970-001
A- 3
1. Choose all the files.
2. Click FTP.
3. When you get the new version FTP'ed to the host, go to the server/client
system(s), volume to the $vol.subvol where you installed LMM.
4. If this is not the first install of LMM on your system, you may copy the
startup/shutdown files from the renamed old LMM subvolume.
If it is a new install, create a startup file for the server as follows:
clear param tcpip^process^name
param tcpip^process^name
run <$vol.subvol>.tsilmms0/name $LMMS, nowait, pri 190, cpu 0,out
term $zhome/
Example A-1. Creating a Startup File for the Server
clear param tcpip^process^name
param tcpip^process^name $zb01a
run $system.tsilmms.tsilmms0/name $LMMS, nowait, pri
190,cpu 0,out &
$zhome, term $zhome/
5. On the LMM SERVER system (the system the library is physically connected to for
the control path), do the following:
RUN CONFIG to create a new configuration file. You will have to give it a
password (this the password that will allow access to LMM).
Type in CONFIG_HOMETERM and enter a home terminal (normally $ZHOME
on the NonStops).
Type in CONFIG_HOSTPORT# and choose a port number, normally you can
use 6001 for the server. Any number can be used after 4000 though.
Type in CONFIG_DEVICE and enter the system name, hit
the name of the library device and hit
To configure the tapedrives in LMM, type in CONFIG_DRIVE, enter the drive
number in the library, counting from top to bottom in a L-Series library and
bottom to top in a 97xx library. Always start with 0.
Enter the system name the tapedrive is physically attached to.