HP ProLiant BL20p G4 Server-Blade User Manual
Page 90

Index 90
hardware options installation 21
health driver 47
help resources 77
HP Insight Diagnostics 49
HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack 48
HP Systems Insight Manager, overview 48
HP technical support 77
iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) 37, 42, 43, 47
iLO Advanced Functionality 37
IML (Integrated Management Log) 49
Important Safety Information document 52
Insight Diagnostics 49
installation, server options 21
installing operating system 40
Instant Support Enterprise Edition 50
Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) 47
Integrated Management Log (IML) 49
interconnect devices 19, 38
Japanese notice 72
Korean notices 73
LAN cable connection 19
LEDs, troubleshooting 52
Lights-Out network-based deployment 37, 38, 40
local I/O cable 12, 33, 34
loose connections 55
Management Agents 48
management tools 37, 47
multifunction network adapter 29
network component information 19
network-based PXE deployment 38
NIC configuration 38
Online ROM Flash Component Utility 51
Open Services Event Manager 50
operating systems 51
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays (ORCA) 46
options installation 19, 21
ORCA (Option ROM Configuration for Arrays) 46
OS boot problems flowchart 63
POST error messages 67
POST problems flowchart 61
power calculator 19
power cord 53
powering down 15
powering up 45
power-on problems flowchart 59
preparation procedures 55
problem diagnosis 52
ProLiant Support Pack (PSP) 51
PXE (preboot execution environment) 38, 40
PXE deployment 38, 40
rack stability 53
rack warnings 53
Rapid Deployment Pack (RDP) 41
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 44
RBSU configuration 45
redundant ROM 48
regulatory compliance notices 69, 71
remote support and analysis tools 50
removing the server blade 16
resources 43, 52
resources, troubleshooting 52
RJ-45 patch panels 19, 38
ROM redundancy 48
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 44
ROMPaq utility 47, 48