Terminal emulation support – HP ProLiant xw460c Blade Workstation User Manual
Page 11

HP BIOS Serial Console/EMS Support Settings and Configuration
For detailed information about iLO configurations, refer to the HP Integrated
Lights-Out User Guide on the Documentation CD or to the HP website
Terminal Emulation Support
BIOS Serial Console supports ANSI and VT100 terminal emulation. Although
the screens displayed in this guide show the ANSI console for clarity, VT100 is
supported by all terminal emulation programs. It should be chosen if the terminal
emulation program is running in VT100 mode. BIOS Serial Console will support
a CLI for RBSU and other embedded ROM utilities on select new servers for
faster, more compatible display with VT100 and compatible terminals. On these
newer servers, BIOS Serial Console support will default to Enabled/VT100/9600
Baud for maximum compatibility with VT100 users. ANSI emulation and the
menu-based RBSU interface may not be supported when BIOS Serial Console is
enabled or in use due to limited compatibility with VT100. The menu-based
RBSU interface will continue to be supported automatically in modes in which
BIOS Serial Console is disabled or not in use. Refer to the HP ROM-Based Setup
Utility User Guide, available on the HP website