27 replication manager cli tools, About the installation base path, Using the getctdelta command – HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

Page 453: Requirements, 453 using the getctdelta command, Using the getctdelta, Command

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27 Replication Manager CLI tools

This chapter describes the CLI functions supported by Replication Manager.

About the installation base path

If the XP P9000 Command View AE Common Component is not installed under the installation directory
of XP P9000 Command View AE suite products, you must set the



variable to the actual installation path. Typical cases where this environment variable setting is
necessary are:

An XP P9000 Command View AE suite product is installed in an environment where Common
Component has already been installed by another product.

An XP P9000 Command View AE suite product is upgraded to 7.4 or later in an environment
where the Common Component has already been installed by another XP P9000 Command View
AE suite product earlier than 7.0.

If the


environment variable has not been set correctly, the Replication

Manager CLI will generate a KAVN00189-E error. If you see this error after executing a command,
check the value of



Using the GetCTDelta command

In addition to the Replication Manager GUI, you can also export C/T Delta (write delay) history data
from the command line. Using the


command, you can output the histories of all (or

select) copy groups to a CSV-format file or the console. The command line is an alternative to generate
the information quickly without the overhead associated with the GUI.


output is in CSV format. Histories are output from the time of execution up until the date

specified by the command. The CLI output is the same as that exported from the GUI.

This topic contains the includes the following:


, page 453


, page 454


, page 454


, page 455

Related topics

About exporting management information

, page 443


Please note the following requirements:

For Windows Server 2008 or later, you must have administrator permissions to execute the



User Guide