Avaya VF 3000 User Manual
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different enterprise customer. The Juniper VF 3000 SBC in the data center can make use of this
VLAN information to resolve overlapping IP address issues
. The Juniper VF 3000 SBC
segregates the access traffic into separate customer streams and routes the traffic to the
respective Avaya Communication Managers based on the destination IP address. Figure 2 shows
only one enterprise network containing only a single site, but multiple sites (and multiple
enterprises using multiple Avaya Communication Manager instances) should be considered the
Figure 2 - Private-Private Architecture
Initial deployments of the Avaya On Demand/Hosted solutions using the Juniper VF 3000 SBC
will use the architectures specified in Figure 1 or Figure 2. However, there is a third
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PV 04/24/2006
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Different enterprises could use overlapping IP private addresses.