Change your main greeting via the voicemail menu, Edit the display name via the voicemail menu – LG LS970 User Manual
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Phone Calls
Manage subscription to subscribe and unsubscribe from the visual voicemail
premium monthly subscription service. This may take a minute.
Auto forward to email to send a copy of new messages to an email address of your
Personalize voicemail to change your voicemail greeting for incoming calls and
update password.
Notifications to determine how your are notified of new voicemails. Set the
notification sound and vibrate option.
Delete messages to set Visual Voicemail to permanently delete messages from the
Trash folder after a specific number of days.
Display name to enter a name to identify yourself to people when replying or
forwarding messages.
Speakerphone to automatically turn the speaker on or off.
Theme to choose the type of theme used for the application.
View quick tips tutorial to view a visual tutorial about Visual Voicemail.
Help to see the Sprint visual voicemail help.
Send feedback to send some feedback to the Voicemail Feedback team.
Updates to search for an upgrade to your Visual message software.
About Voicemail to view build information about the current visual voicemail
Change Your Main Greeting via the Voicemail Menu
Your main greeting can be changed directly via the Visual Voicemail system. This direct access
saves you from having to navigate within the voicemail menu.
1. Tap
2. Tap
> Settings > Personalize voicemail.
3. Tap OK to connect to the Sprint voicemail system. Follow the prompts to change your
current greeting.
Edit the Display Name via the Voicemail Menu
From your Visual Voicemail menu, you can quickly change the name attached to your voice