Listen to multiple voicemail messages, Visual voicemail options, Configure visual voicemail settings – LG LS970 User Manual
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Phone Calls
Share to share the selected message using your favorite services like Email,
Messaging, and others.
Reply to reply to the message. You can then reply to the sender or forward it to
anyone with either an email or phone number. This allows you to send this voicemail
message to several recipients at the same time. You can tag the reply message for
both Urgency and Privacy.
• Tap Send to deliver the new message.
Listen to Multiple Voicemail Messages
When you are done listening to a voicemail message you can easily access other voicemail
messages without returning to the main voicemail screen.
1. Listen to the current voicemail message.
2. Swipe your finger left or right to display the next or previous message. It will begin
playing automatically.
You can navigate through voicemail messages as frequently as you'd like. You can even move
to the next or previous message before you're finished listening to the current one.
Visual Voicemail Options
Use the Menu button to access and configure your Visual Voicemail options.
1. Tap
2. From this initial screen, you can:
to compose a new voicemail message.
Tap Inbox to view the voicemail messages in other folder: Inbox, Trash, Archive.
Voicemail Premium to subscribe to the Voicemail Premium service.
to access Search, Settings, Help, and Send feedback.
Configure Visual Voicemail Settings
The Visual Voicemail settings menu lets you access settings for notifications, pictures, greetings,
and more.
3. Tap
4. Tap
> Settings and select from the following: