Bios setup – Asus CUBX User Manual

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ASUS CUBX User’s Manual




Other Boot Device Select [INT18 Device (Network)]

If [SCSI/Onboard ATA Boot Device] is selected, the system will boot from
the UltraDMA/66 device first if Onboard ATA Device First is set to [Yes]
(see 4.4.3 PCI Configuration). Otherwise, it will boot from the SCSI de-
vice. Configuration options: [Disabled] [SCSI/Onboard ATA Boot Device]
[INT18 Device (Network)]

Plug & Play O/S [No]

This field allows you to use a Plug-and-Play (PnP) operating system to con-
figure the PCI bus slots instead of using the BIOS. When [Yes] is selected,
interrupts may be reassigned by the OS. When a non-PnP OS is installed or
you want to prevent reassigning of interrupt settings, select the default set-
ting of [No]. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]

Reset Configuration Data [No]

The Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) contain information about
non-PnP devices. It can also hold the complete record of how the system
was configured the last time it was booted. Select [Yes] only if you want to
clear these data during the Power-On Self Test (POST). Configuration op-
tions: [No] [Yes]

Boot Virus Detection [Enabled]

This field allows you to set boot virus detection, ensuring a virus-free boot
sector. The system halts and displays a warning message when it detects a
virus. If this occurs, you can either allow the operation to continue or use a
virus-free bootable floppy disk to restart and investigate your system. Con-
figuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Quick Power On Self Test [Enabled]

This feature enables you to speed up the bootup by skipping some POST routines such
as memory checking. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Boot Up Floppy Seek [Enabled]

When enabled, the BIOS will seek the floppy disk drive to determine whether
the drive has 40 or 80 tracks. Floppy drives with 1.44MB have 80 tracks.
You may leave the default [Disabled] to save time if you are using 1.44MB
floppy drives. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Full Screen Logo [Enabled]

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Boot Menu