Timeguard ECO36F User Manual
Energy saver floodlight 36 watts, Installation instructions, Catalogue number: eco36f – black

Energy Saver Floodlight 36 Watts
Catalogue Number: ECO36F – Black
Installation Instructions
Please read all instructions before proceeding with the installation.
Please keep these instructions somewhere safe, you may need to refer to them at a later date.
ImpOrtaNt: Must be installed by a competent person.
• Lighting load must not exceed 36 watts.
• Ensure the switch and the main switchboard are turned off prior
to making wiring connections, or inserting/replacing the bulb.
• The bulb and front glass become hot when in use. Allow the
unit to cool before touching the bulb or front glass with your
• Do not install near flammable objects.
• Mount the floodlight in a position that gives the following
clearances from adjacent surface:-
above the floodlight – 0.3m, either side of the floodlight – 0.3m,
in front of the floodlight – 1.0m.
• Must be wired to a 230 volt AC power source.
Choose a location to fix the unit bearing in mind the proximity of
adjacent surfaces, (see Warnings above).
Mark the position of the 2 fixing holes (see Fig. 3).
Drill the holes. Insert the wall plugs into the holes if necessary and
drive the 2 screws in until the back of the heads are approx. 3mm
clear of the wall.
Before proceeding slacken off the cable gland and pass the cable
through it (it is suggested that 3-core round flexible cable of 1mm
gauge is used).
Fix the mounting bracket to the wall by pushing the larger part
of the keyhole over the screw head and then sliding the bracket
downwards so that the screw sits at the top of the narrow section
of the keyhole. Tighten the fixing screws.
Fig. 3
mOuNtINg BraCkEt
Fixing Keyhole
How to Install/Replace Bulb
Before proceeding further fit the lamp to the flood light. To do this
remove the 4 screws retaining the front glass and frame using a
suitable cross point or flat blade screwdriver referring to Fig. 1.
Remove the frame and glass being sure to retain the screw sealing
rings and the frame gasket.
Remove the spiral lamp from its box, ensure the lamp holders within
the flood light are in the open position (see Fig. 2a). Insert each end of
the lamp into the lamp holders and rotate the lamp through 90º so
that the lamp holders are as shown in Fig. 2b.
Should you experience any difficulty in obtaining replacement
lamps, these are available from Timeguard Ltd., please ring
the helpline number below.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2b
FrONt glaSS rEmOval
lamphOldEr pOSItION
4 x Retaining screws