Prochem Legend GT User Manual
Page 23

Technical Specifications
Engine speed
2950 rpm
1400 rpm (idle speed)
Water pump rpm
1680 rpm
Vacuum pump rpm
3385 rpm
Water flow rate
3.5 GPM (maximum)
Solution pump pressure
1200 PSI (maximum)
Vacuum relief valve
13” Hg
Waste tank capacity
60 gallons / 100 gallons
Console weight
600 lbs. (690 lbs. If mounted on water tank)
Console weight with:
60 gallon waste tank & accessories
810 lbs. with empty waste tank
1252 lbs. with full waste tank
Console weight with:
60 gallon waste tank, water tank & accessories
900 lbs. with empty waste and water tanks
1342 lbs. with full waste tank, and empty water tank
1842 lbs. with full waste and water tanks
Console weight with:
100 gallon waste tank & accessories
820 lbs. with empty waste tank
1445 lbs. with full waste tank
Console weight with:
100 gallon waste tank, water tank & accessories
910 lbs. with empty waste tank
1535 lbs. with full waste tank, and empty water tank
2035 lbs. with full waste and water tanks
Engine rear / vac pump pulley
25 foot lbs
Engine front / water pump pulley
9 foot lbs
86313050 LEGEND GT