Assembly, Further documentation and software (, Notice – NORD Drivesystems TI 275219030 User Manual

Page 2: Damage to the unit

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Mounting Adapter Kit – 5x5E_BG6/700E_BG4

2 / 2

TI 275219030 - 1114


Pos : 2 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ Zubehör/Mont ageadapt er SK500E_700E/Mont age [Adapter - SK 5xxE] @ 4\ mod_1394016886990_388.doc x @ 120821 @ 5 @ 1


On the top and bottom
of the frequency
inverter, mount one
adapter plate ( 1 ) each
to the wall mount
brackets ( 2 ).

Use supplied nuts and spring washers to do so.
The fastening material (dowels, screws) for
mounting in the intended location is not part of
the supply.


Damage to the unit

To avoid damaging the frequency inverter, turn the wall mount brackets by
180° (item 2) before mounting them to the frequency inverter.

This is the only way to ensure a large area of the unit is securely fastened to
the mounting surface with the Mounting Adapter Kit.

( 1 ) – Standard position of wall mount bracket

( 2 ) – Position of wall mount bracket when used with the Mounting Adapter Kit

Pos : 3 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ Zubehör/Mont ageadapt er SK500E_700E/ Weit erf ühr ende D okument ati onen und Sof t war e [Mont ageadapter SK 5xxE - SK700E] @ 4\ mod_1394023653131_388.doc x @ 120846 @ 5 @ 1

Further Documentation and Software (






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=== Ende der List e f ür T ext mar ke I nhalt ===