Module features, Installation – NORD Drivesystems TI 275281117 User Manual
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EtherCAT Bus module – SK TU4-ECT
TI 275281117 - 4913
Digital input - working area
Low: 0 V … 5 V, High: 15 V … 30 V
Digital input - specific data
= 8
kΩ, input capacity: 10nF, reaction time 1 ms, inputs
according to EN 61131-2 type 1
Digital output - 24 VDC power supply
≤ 400 mA (input)
Digital output - working range
Low = 0 V, High = 24 V; max. 200 mA
Bus specification
Max. 100 MBaud
Min. Ethernet CAT-5
Electrical isolation 500 V
Max. cable length
100 m between two
Bus connection
2 x M12
via M12 direct to PE
Bus termination
performed automatically
PE connection
via PE screw connection
Status display
6 LEDs
in the terminal box
Linear bus
Process data
8 Byte per FI + 2 Byte for
Total length 2 … 34 Byte
Update interval of process data for 1000 devices
≈ 1 ms
Update interval for process data between module and frequency inverter
≈ 1.5 ms
Parameter read access on the frequency inverter
≈ 12 ms
Parameter write access with storage in EEPROM
≈ 25 ms
Pos : 6 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ SK xU x - Bus - Er wei ter ung en/ Et herCat /Mer kmale [EC T Allgemein] @ 3\ mod_1371724052210_388.doc x @ 79062 @ 5 @ 1
Module features
Via CoE (CANopen over EtherCat)
Error messages (Emergency Messages)
According to CANopen DS301
EtherCAT addressing (Second Address)
DIP switch or module parameter
Distributed Clocks
Not supported
Access for NORD diagnosis tool via
diagnosis socket on the device (if available) or via the
frequency inverter
Pos : 9 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ SK xU x - Bus - Er wei ter ung en/ Allgemein - Sys temübergreif end/M ont age [ SK TU 4- xxx- xxx] @ 2\mod_1353315135994_388. doc x @ 51251 @ 5 @ 1
The module must be attached to the suitable connection unit (SK TI4-TU- …) and connected using the
four M4 x 40 mm provided hexagon socket collar screws. Installation details can be found in the data
sheet for the relevant connection units.
Pos : 12 /T echnisc he I nf ormati onen/ SK xU x - Bus - Erweit erungen/ Allgemei n - Syst emübergreifend/ Ans chl üss e - Et her netsei te - Variant e M12 [SK TU 4-.. .EIP/ ECT/ PO L/ Ansc hlüss e - Et hernets eit e - Variant e M 12 [ SK TU4-. .. EIP/ECT /POL/PNT(-M 12). ..-C)] @ 4\ mod_1385383150995_388.doc x @ 106697 @ 5 @ 1