Dimensioned drawing, Installation – NORD Drivesystems TI 275274511 User Manual

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background image

Connection reduction – SK TIE4-M20-M16


TI 275274511 - 4513

Dimensioned drawing

Pos : 6 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ Ansc hluss er weiter ung en [HAN , H Q,SK T IE]/ Stec kverbi nder [H AN, H Q, SK TI E] /St euersignal- und Buss yst em- St ec kverbi nder/ SK T IE4-.. . Opti onal es Z ubehör /Mont age optionales Zubehör [ SK TI E4-. ..] @ 4\ mod_1382363870525_388. doc x @ 103029 @ 5 @ 1


Installation of the optional connection expansions or reductions in combination with the various M12
connection expansions is described in greater detail in the technical information / data sheets (under
Installation Steps) for the relevant M12 flange components.

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