Metpar Polly Solid Plastic(HDPE) User Manual
Page 2

Table of Contents
Stop! Before you begin Page 1
Suggested tools Page 1
Metpar tips Page 2
Hardware nomenclature Page 2
Step 1 - Layout Page 3
Step 2 - Prepare Stiles Page 3
Step 3 - Position Panel Page 3
Step 4 - Attach Stiles Page 4
Step 5 - Secure stiles to panel Page 5
Step 6 - Headrail & Panel fasten Page 5
Step 7 - Install Door & Hinge Page 6
Step 8 – Install Door Latch Page 7
Step 9 – Care & Maintenance Page 7
Step 10 - Need Help? Page 7
Before you
Before you begin, note the following…
begin, note the following…
Caution, safety first! Be certain to have and use the proper safety gear.
Structural support in the walls, floors and/or ceiling is not supplied by Metpar. Verify that adequate
blocking has been installed where necessary before you proceed.
This installation manual should be used in conjunction with the layout drawings prepared by Metpar. Refer
to the layout drawings for further information such as; product style (ie: The Corinthian FP-500 Overhead
Braced), stall width and depth, ceiling height (for ceiling hung or floor-to-ceiling), individual component sizes
(ie: panels, stiles &/or doors), etc. You will need the layout drawings to determine the centerline markings
for drilling locations. If you have the “no-peek” design, you MUST
MUST have the layout drawing which includes
special notes to indicate the location for each individual pilaster and door.
When the material is shipped to you, an Initial Release (packing list) is included. Be certain that all items
you need have been ordered and shipped properly.
Suggested Tools…
Suggested Tools…
For your convenience, we recommend that you have the following tools;
Tape measure, chalk line, pencil, masking tape (to help you layout drilling locations), electric or battery
operated drill, drill bits (including a #30-T7 Torx drill bit), screwdriver (slotted and phillips head), center punch,
plumb-bob, level, hacksaw, hammer, shims, support blocks (13½” high for FP500 and CH700, or 15” high for
Metpar’s Polly
Installation Manual ~ February 2003