Dwyer VR User Manual
Page 5

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ViewRite with Side Connections (Alloy and Mini)
The float assembly can be removed without disturbing the mounting of the ViewRite unit to the tank.
1. Carefully remove the end cap (access to the float assembly) which may be retained by bolts or NPT threads.
The float assembly should be resting on the end cap as it is being lowered.
Support the float assembly while setting the end cap aside.
Note: For units supplied with top float access, the float assembly must be
extracted from the top of the weldment by engaging the hooking ring
provided on the top of the float.
2. Withdraw the float assembly from the unit, exercising caution not to damage the float. Note the “TOP”
indication marking on the float assembly.
3. Wipe down the weldment and the float assembly with a clean, lint-free cloth.
4. Carefully reinsert the float assembly into the weldment, ensuring that the “TOP” indication marking on the
float assembly is positioned in the same manner as when it was removed.
5. Remove the old gasket or O-ring from the end cap assembly and replace it with a new gasket or O-ring.
6. With the new gasket or O-ring properly positioned, reassemble the end cap assembly to the weldment.
Tighten the end cap or secure flange fasteners, using the proper recommended torque value, as supplied
in Figure A -page 4.
ViewRite with Top and Bottom Connections (Alloy and Mini)
The ViewRite unit should be adequately supported when removing it from the tank.
1. Disconnect the top and bottom flange/socket or NPT connections.
2. Remove any other fasteners that retain the unit and/or support bracket(s) to the tank.
3. Remove the ViewRite unit from the tank, while avoiding any motion that will cause damage to the float assembly.
4. With the ViewRite placed in a horizontal position on a level surface, remove the end cap or flange and withdraw
the float assembly from the unit; noting the relative position of the portion of the float assembly marked “TOP”.
5. Wipe down the weldment and the float assembly with a clean, lint-free cloth.
6. Carefully reinsert the float assembly into the bottom of the float chamber or weldment, ensuring that the “TOP”
indication marking on the float assembly is positioned the same as when it was removed.
7. Remove the old gasket or O-ring from the end cap assembly and replace it with a new gasket or O-ring.
8. With the new gasket or O-ring properly positioned, reassemble the end cap assembly to the bottom of the
weldment. Tighten the end cap or flange bolts securely, using the proper recommended torque value, as
supplied in Figure A, page 4.
9. Complete installation of the unit by following the Installation Instructions for Standard ViewRites (Page 3,
Steps 7, 8 and 9).