Chem-pro – Blue-White CHEM-PRO C3 ProSeries Diaphragm Pump User Manual

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Pump has a built in 3 amp alarm output relay. Relay is pre-configured to energize on diaphragm failure detection
(DFD) and on Flow Verification Sensor (FVS).

A Flow Verification Sensor must be installed and configured for relay to trigger on no-flow conditions. See page 9
for wiring details.

11.0 Volumetric Test - Measuring Chem-Pro’s Output

10.0 Alarm Relay

Prior to service, pump clean water through pump and suction / discharge line to remove

Always wear protective clothing, face shield, safety glasses and gloves when working on or
near your metering pump. Additional precautions should be taken depending on solution
being pumped. Refer to MSDS precautions from your solution supplier.





13.0 Pump Maintenance

13.1 Routine Inspection and Maintenance





C3V | Diaphragm Metering Pump

Made in the USA






Blue-White Ind.




Discharge / Outlet

(not provided)



(not provided)

Injection Fitting /

Check Valve

3/8” Priming


(not provided)

1. Be sure Injection Fitting and Footvalve / Strainer are clean and working


2. Fill a large graduated cylinder with solution to be injected.

3. With pump installed under normal operating conditions, place suction tubing

with Footvalve / Strainer installed in graduated cylinder.

4. Push 3/8” tubing onto priming valve. Place other side of 3/8” tubing in

solution tank. Make sure priming valve is closed by turning valve to right.

5. Run pump until all air is removed from suction line and solution enters

discharge tubing.
If pump does not easily prime, loosen priming valve 1 - 2 turns counter clock
wise. Once air is removed close primming valve.

6. Remove suction tubing from graduated cylinder and refill graduated cylinder

if necessary. Note amount of solution in graduated cylinder.

7. Place suction tubing with Footvalve / Strainer installed back into graduated


8. Run injector for a measured amount of time. A longer testing time will

produce more accurate results.

9. Remove suction tubing from graduated cylinder. Measure amount of

chemical injected.

Footvalve /


1 US Gallon = 3.785 Liters = 3785 Milliliters

1000 ML/Min


60 = 15.85 GPH (US gallons per hour)

Milliliters in a US gallon

Minutes per hour


During your 1 minute calibration period, say Chem-Pro pumped 1000 Milliliters in 1 minute.

Note: All diagrams are strictly for guideline purposes only. Always consult an expert before installing pump into
specialized systems. Pump should be serviced by qualified persons only.

This volumetric test will take into account individual installation factors such as line pressure, fluid viscosity,
suction lift, etc. This test is most accurate for measuring injector’s output in an individual installation.

Pump requires very little maintenance. However, pump and all accessories should be checked weekly. This is
especially important when pumping chemicals. Inspect all components for signs of leaking, swelling, cracking,
discoloration or corrosion. Replace worn or damaged components immediately.

Cracking, crazing, discoloration during first week of operation are signs of severe chemical attack. If this occurs,
immediately remove chemical from pump. Determine which parts are being attacked and replace them with parts
that have been manufactured using more suitable materials. Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for
damage to pump that has been caused by chemical attack.

Brush Kit Life Cycle over 3,000 hours of continuous use. A spare brush kit is located inside of pump housing.

13.2 Cleaning Pump

Pump will require occasional cleaning, especially Injection fitting, Footvalve / Strainer, and pump head valves.
Frequency will depend on type and severity of service.


Inspect and replace pump head valves as required.


When changing diaphragm, pump head chamber and pump head cover should be wiped free of any dirt and


Periodically clean injection / check valve assembly, especially when injecting fluids that calcify such as sodium
hypochlorite. These lime deposits and other build ups can clog fitting, increase back pressure and interfere with
check valve operation.


Periodically clean suction strainer.


Periodically inspect pump housing (enclosure) for chemical attack. Protect pump housing from continuous
exposure to chemicals, such as drips or fumes from surrounding equipment and plumbing.

12.0 Priming Pump



Priming /

Degassing Valve

Priming is an essential part of proper pump functionality. It ensures pump

head is devoid of air or gas. Fluid will escape from Priming/Degassing valve
during priming so it is recommended that you attach tubing to barbed fitting
and place opposite end in chemical tank.

1. Start by attaching 3/8” OD (1/4” ID) suction tubing to barbed fitting of
priming/degassing valve.

2. Open valve by rotating it counter clockwise one quarter to one half turn.

3. Once valve is open, attach 3/8” OD (1/4” ID) suction tubing to barbed fitting
and place opposite end of tubing into chemical tank.

4. Press and release prime button. Pump will then run for 60 seconds at
100% motor speed, evacuating air/gas from inside pump head.

5. Rotate priming/degassing valve clockwise to close.

This manual is related to the following products: