Delete – Techne TC-PLUS Satellite User Manual
Page 36

Search by File Type
Search for only programs or temperature log files.
Use Delete to remove a file permanently. Select the file you wish to delete and click on Delete. A
warning will be displayed asking for confirmation of the deletion. Click Yes to confirm the delete or
Cancel if you do not wish to delete the file.
Click on Run to run a program. Select the program you wish to run and click Run. You will then need
to select the unit you wish to run the program on. Select the instrument then click on Use This
Instrument or Cancel to return to the Library screen.
After selecting a unit, the Live Monitor screen will de displayed showing a graphical representation of
the program. Click on Start to begin the program. Once the run has finished, Program Finished will
be displayed next to the End Time.
The Live Monitor will display the following:
• The name of the program that is running.
• The expected end time.
• The progress of the run as a count-up timer.
• The identity of the instrument in use.
• Program temperatures for each step,
• The hold time of a step.
• The status of a step (ramping or holding).
• The number of cycles completed.
Click on this to stop the program. A warning will be displayed asking for
confirmation to stop the program. Click Yes to stop or Cancel if you do
not wish to stop the program.
Click on Pause to pause the program at the current step. Click on
Continue to resume the program.