Revo REJCPTZ-2 User Manual

Page 14

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Press【Cancel】to exit the menu.

K e y b o a r d s e t

E n t e r t o m e n u

1 . P r o t o c o l :


2 . B a u d R a t e :


3 . S o u n d :


4 . L a n g u a g e :


5 . J o y s t i c k S e t :

M:000 M:000 M:000

6 . K e y T e s t

Press【ENTER】to enter

into keyboard menu

Menu Index:


Press【ENTER】to change the Baud rate: 1200/2400/4800/9600 (9600 is

default) . Press【F1】to save setting and enter the next sub-menu.

Press【ENTER】to turn the sound On or Off.

Press【F1】to save setting and enter into next sub-menu

Press【ENTER】to change the protocol. REVOTRAX is default; Pelco D and

Pelco P are optional.

Press【F1】to save setting and enter the next sub-menu.

Only English is available.

Press【F1】to save setting and enter into next sub-menu

Move the joystick and press the indicated button to calibrate the joystick.

Press【5】to Reference (hands-off) value; Press【2】to Up limit value

Press【8】to Down limit value; Press【4】to Left limit value

Press【6】to Right limit value;

Press【7】to counterclockwise twist limit value.

Press【9】to clockwise limit value

Press【ENTER】to enter into key test. Press any key and it will be displayed

on the LCD screen. Press【CANCEL】to exit key test.

7 . D e f a u l t S e t

Ve r s i o n 1 . 0

Press【ENTER】to restore the keyboard’s factory settings.

Display the keyboard’s software version.