Precision Control Systems ChamberIR 4069 User Manual
Page 22
continued erosion. A fine particle polishing compound, such as a chrome, semi-chrome,
or soft metal polishing compound may be used. These types of compounds can be found
at a local automotive or metal-polishing supply house. Follow the polishing instructions
listed on the polishing product.
The reflectors can be removed from the Model 4069 Heater to make cleaning and
maintenance easier. The following procedure should be used to remove the Model 4069
• Remove all power from the heater BEFORE attempting to install/replace the
heater reflectors.
1. Drain all cooling fluid from the heater and blow out the heater cooling lines with
compressed air.
2. Remove the heater-cover screws and heater cover.
Figure 6-5. Heater Cover Removal
3. Disconnect the cooling line from the reflector to be maintained.
4. Loosen all screw from all reflectors on one side of the end casting of the reflector
to be maintained.