1 interface configuration mode – Asante Technologies INTRACORE 3724PWR User Manual

Page 28

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log Configure log server

radius-server Configure radius server

static-address Static address

mgmt-accesslist Set management access list, allows up to 8 IP addresses

monitor Configure port mirroring

dot1x Configure 802.1x parameters

network Configuration for inband connectivity

port-all Configure all switch ports

qos Configure QoS

rmon Configure Remote Monitoring

set Configure IGMP and static multicast

snmp Configure SNMP parameters

sntp Configure SNTP

https Configure SSL

spanning-tree Configure spanning-tree

tacplus Configure tacacs+

user Change user password

interface Enter into configure interface mode

green-eth Configure Green Ethernet enable or disable


From global configuration mode, you can access three additional configuration modes: Use the interface command
to access its configuration modes.

4.3.1 Interface Configuration Mode

Many features are enabled on a per-interface basis. Interface configuration commands modify the operation of an
interface such as an Ethernet or serial port. Interface configuration commands always follow an interface global
configuration command, which defines the interface type as Ethernet.

In the following example shows configuration of Ethernet interface 1. The new prompt, Switch(interface 1)#,
indicates the interface configuration mode. In this example, the user asks for help by requesting a list of commands.


Asante IC3724PWR

User’s Manual