Asante Technologies INTRACORE 3724PWR User Manual
Page 128

This command is used to configure ports in a specific vlan
Format vlan port ports port-configure <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config
vlan port ports protected
This command is used to configure protected ports
Format vlan port ports protected {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
vlan port ports pvid
This command is used to configure port vid
Format vlan port ports pvid < vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config vlan lag
This command is used to configure lag to a special vlan
1) vlan lag vlan < vlan-id> exclude
This command is used to remove lag from a vlan
Format vlan lag vlan < vlan-ID> exclude lags <lag-ID>
Mode Global Config
2) vlan lag vlan
Format vlan lag vlan <vlan-ID> untagged lags <lag-ID>
Mode Global Config
3) vlan lag vlan
Format vlan lag vlan <vlan-ID> tagged lags <lag-ID>
Mode Global Config
11.3.3 Bridge
This command is used to configure switch aging time
Format bridge aging-time <0-1048575>
Mode Global Config
11.3.4 lacp-syspri
This command is used to configure lacp system priority
Format lacp-syspri system-priority <0-65535>
Mode Global Config
11.3.5 link-aggregation
This command is used to configure link aggregation link-aggregation addport
This command is used to configure LAG groups
Format Link Aggregation addport lag <LAG-ID>
Mode Global Config link aggregation delport
This command remove ports from LAG
1) Link Aggregation delport all
This command remove all ports from a LAG
Format link-aggregation-delport all lag <LAG-ID>
Mode Global Config
2) link aggregation delport lag
This command remove specify LAG group
Format link aggregation delport lag <LAG-ID>
Mode Global Config
11.3.6 LLDP lldp enable
This command is used to enable lldp functions
Format lldp enable
Mode Global Config lldp disable
Asante IC3724PWR
User’s Manual