Rtd/ω simulation – Martel Electronics 235 User Manual
Page 54

RTD/Ω Simulation
The calibrator output supports two 100 ohm Platinum RTD curves, the
European/DIN 43760 α=.00385 and the American α=.003916 curve, 120
Ohm Nickel Minco and 10 Ohm copper SAMA RC21-4-1966 with read
out in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
To simulate an RTD:
Press the RTD/Ω key while the calibrator is in the output mode. (Note:
on the 230, press the RTD key).
The 235 display will prompt:
Select the RTD function using the INC/DEC keys and press ENT.
The Model 230/235 calibrator will display a prompting menu asking for
the RTD curve to use: 385 or 392 or Ni or Cu10.
Select the desired RTD and press ENT. The calibrator will then prompt
for the temperature scale to use.
Select the proper temperature scale and press ENT. The calibrator will
prompt for the desired temperature.
Enter the desired temperature within range of the RTD selected and
press ENT. If an incorrect or out of range value is entered, the
calibrator will display an error message and prompt for a value. Once a
valid temperature is entered, the calibrator will set the output to the
Output Functions
Resistance Function
Input RTD type
p385 p392 Cu10 Ni
Temperature Scale