Martel Electronics MC1200 User Manual

Page 30

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7.3-2 Character Processing

The data entered into the calibrator is processed as follows:

• ASCII characters are discarded if their decimal equivalent is less than 32 (space), except 10

(LF) and 13 (CR):

• Data is taken as 7-bit ASCII

• The most significant data bit is ignored.

• Upper or lower case is acceptable.

7.3-3 Response Data Types

The data returned by the calibrator can be divided into four types:


For most computers and controllers they are decimal numbers ranging from -32768 to 32768.
For example:

*ESE 140; *ESE? returns 140


Numbers that have up to 15 significant figures and exponents. For example:

CPRT_COEFA? returns 3.908000E-03

Character Response Data (CRD)

Data returned as keywords. For example:

RTD_TYPE? returns PT385_10

Indefinite ASCII (IAD)

Any ASCII characters followed by a terminator. For example:

*IDN? returns MARTEL, ASC300, 250, 1.00

7.3-4 Calibrator Status

Status registers, enable registers, and queues provide status information on the calibrator.
Each status register and queue has a summary bit in the Serial Poll Status Byte. Enable
registers generate summary bits in the Serial Poll Status Byte. The following is a list of
registers and queues along with their function.

Serial Poll Status Byte (STB)

The STB is sent when the calibrator responds to the *STB? command. Figure 24
demonstrates how it functions. Cleared when power is reset.