1 console commands – ArtDio IPE 1000 User Manual

Page 79

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4.6.1 Console Commands

Using the system console to upgrade the firmware is quite similar to using the Web management interface.

You must run the TFTP server first. You must also assign the IP address of the TFTP server and filename

separately. After they are configured, issue a copy command to initiate the firmware upgrade. You can also

combine three commands into one. Following these steps:

Step 1: Configure TFTP server and filename

a) Separate command:

1. PBX Gateway(config)# tftp server <ip-address | domain name>

2. PBX Gateway(config)# tftp filename <filename>

3. PBX Gateway(config)# exit

4. PBX Gateway# copy tftp:///

b)Combined command

copy tftp://


PBX Gateway(config)#copy tftp://\runtime.tcw

TFTP Server:



Step 2: The Gateway should now be downloading the firmware. Wait for the result.

PBX Gateway(config)#copy tftp://\runtime.tcw

TFTP Server:



Download success

System must reload

Step 3: If the gateway downloaded the firmware successfully, issue a cold-start to launch the new code.

PBX Gateway(config)#reload