Post processing data collection, Post processing receiver and settings, Start receiver recording – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.2 GPS User Manual

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Survey Pro GPS Quick Start Guide


Post Processing Data Collection

Data collection for post processing involves storing GPS raw

data to a file on disk. The file is usually stored on the
receiver’s internal memory, but for certain brands and

models, you can also store the data to a file on the data

collector. Raw data from multiple receivers is combined and
then PC software is used to process the base line

measurements. This section describes:


How to open a data file and start recording GPS raw
data for post processing.


How to start and stop static (fast static) as well as

stop and go data collection.


What to do with the data.

Note: If you wish to log post processing data simultaneous
with RTK data collection, please see the previous section.

Post Processing Receiver and Settings

To do post processing data collection, you must first create a
post processing receiver profile. Please see the first section

for a description of the Receiver Setup screen. You then need

to make sure recording is turned on. Go to the Job | Settings

| Post Process screen and check the Recording Interval is not

set to Off. You can also use this screen to select a special
layer for post processing points, and to turn on the Session
Monitor to warn you if data collection criteria is exceeded

during post processing sessions.

Start Receiver Recording

To open a data file and begin logging GPS raw data, go to the

Survey | Post Processing screen. Choose to start a Static post
processing file if you intend to leave the receiver stationary

over a point for the entire session. Choose to start a Stop and

post processing file if you intend to move around with the

receiver and stop on data collection points.

Measure the antenna height and tap Start Recording. If you
start a static file, the Static Receiver Session screen is opened