Pulse output kit, Service and operating manual, Design level 5

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Warren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation • 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA
Telephone (419) 524-8388 • Fax (419) 522-7867 •
Design Level 5
Pulse Output Interface
The Pulse Output Interface Kits are designed for easy field installation. The Kits are also available factory-installed on new
pumps. The Pulse Output Interface Kit mounts on the pump and provides electrical pulses to operate the Warren Rupp Batch
Control/Stroke Counter, or a customer-supplied control. The unit creates an electrical interface between the control and the
air-powered pump. Pulse Output Kits can be purchased separately, for use in applications where a process controller is already
present in a system. This provides a direct interface with the pump and the customer’s system.
Each pump stroke generates a signal through a proximity sensor (PNP) on either end of the air valve. As the air valve reciprocates
back and forth during pump operation, targets on either end of the spool activate their respective proximity sensors. Each sensor
signals the control to register one count on the stroke counter / batch control unit. This method provides a positive signal for
every pump stroke, but with very few wearing parts.
Connecting a Factory-Installed Kit
Pulse Interface Kits are available factory-installed on new SANDPIPER and MARATHON diaphragm pumps. When installing,
always refer to the service manual for pump installation and operation recommendations. After installing the pump, connect
the interface to the control source. To connect the interface to the control source:
Install input cable according to the wiring diagram for your specific interface kit.
Connect to Warren Rupp Batch Controller or existing system control.
Field Installation of Kit
Before adding an interface kit to an existing SANDPIPER or MARATHON pump, verify the compatibility
of the pump model, kit number and voltage being used. A complete listing appears on page 3
Field Installation
Remove the main air valve body assembly and gasket.
Install the Pulse Output Kit,and pulse output pump adapter kit tighten and torque the screws according to the pump
service manual instructions.
Refer to the applicable wiring diagram when connecting to control source.
Pulse Output Interface Kits cannot be
used if pump is to be submerged.