Lincoln Electric IM539 Synergic 7F and 7FH User Manual
Page 20

Display Control Keys
The function select, timer/crater
select, arrow keys and rotational
encoders all effect the display.
Pressing the function select key will
cause a function to be displayed.
Pressing the timer/crater select key
will cause a timer or crater feed
speed to be displayed. Whichever
is pressed last is the one that will
be displayed since they cannot be
displayed simultaneously. Only
one function or timer indicator light
can be on at one time and therefore
it always indicates what is being
displayed. The arrow keys allow
you to adjust the Run-in speed
timer or crater speed being
displayed. The encoder knobs allow
rotational adjustment of weld wire
feed speed and Arc Volts/Trim.
Function Select key enables
operator to choose which function
will be displayed as indicated by the
appropriate light. Pressing the key
causes lights to sequence (top to
bottom) starting from the current
indicated position. If a timer or
crater speed is being displayed
when the Function Select key is
pressed, then the indicator light of
the last function selected before the
timer/crater key was chosen will
come on and become the starting
point for the sequencing.
Top Light - indicates Voltmeter
Function has been selected and arc
voltage (in volts) will be displayed
along with electrode polarity when
the trigger has been pressed.
When the trigger is not pressed,
this will serve as a preset
voltage/trim function and the preset
voltage/trim will be displayed. The
top light “blinks” when arc voltage is
being displayed and stays lit when
preset voltage/trim is displayed.
The last welding voltage displayed
before the weld is terminated, will
continue to be displayed for 5
seconds after welding to permit
operator monitoring.
The preset voltage/trim may be
adjusted, using the Volts/Trim encoder
knob. The synergic preset voltage/trim
level may be adjusted within the range
synergically set by the power source for
the process and weld Feed Speed being
The power source automatically
determines whether preset voltage or
percent trim will be displayed. Preset
voltage is indicated by one digit only
to the right of the decimal point, while
percent trim always displays two digits
to the right of the decimal point.
Middle Light - Indicates Run-In
Speed Function has been selected
and the Run-In speed setting is being
displayed in IPM or m/m (see section
for English or Metric display).
As shipped these models are setup
for min. rated fixed Run-In speed with
display function deactivated. They
may be user-selected to activate or
deactivate adjustable Run-In display.
(See section for selection of Run-In
and resetting fixed Run-In speed).
Wire will be fed at the Run-In speed
rate until arc current begins to flow.
Once arc current flows, wire will be
fed at the Weld speed rate.
Decreasing Run-In speed below its
lower limit (using the down arrow key)
causes the display to read “- - -”. This
indicates that the Run-In speed will be
kept the same as the weld speed
setting. You can reset a different Run-
In speed simply by pressing the up
arrow key.
The Run-In speed will also be the
same as the weld speed setting if
rapid restrike welding applications are
used, where the arc is restruck in a
fraction of a second after the previous
welding arc was stopped.
Bottom Light - Indicates Weld Feed
Speed (WFS) Function has been
selected and the weld speed setting is
being displayed in IPM or M/M (see
section for English or Metric speed
display). The range of Weld Feed
Speed is synergically set by the power
source for the process being used,
and is adjustable using the Wire Feed
Speed encoder knob on the front of
the Synergic 7F Control.
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