Procedure for replacing pc boards – Lincoln Electric IM422 PRO-CUT 40 User Manual

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Before replacing a PC board which is suspected of
being defective, visually inspect the PC board in ques-
tion for any damage to any of its components and
conductors on the back of the board.

If there is no visible damage to the PC board, install a
new one and see if this remedies the problem. If the
problem is remedied, reinstall the old PC board to see
if the problem still exists. If it does no longer exist
with the old PC board:

1. Check the PC board harness conductor pins for

corrosion, contamination or looseness.

2. Check leads in the plug harness for loose or

intermittent connection.

If PC board is visibly damaged electrically (compo-
nents burned, copper traces opened or damaged),
before possibly subjecting the new PC board to the
same cause of failure, check for possible shorts,
opens or grounds caused by:

1. Frayed or pinched lead insulation.

2. Poor lead termination, such as a poor contact or

a short to adjacent connection or surface.

3. Two or more leads shorted together.

4. Foreign matter or interference behind the PC


If PC board is visibly damaged mechanically (such as
a part vibrated off or was crushed), inspect for cause,
then remedy before installing a replacement PC

If there is damage to the PC board if replacing PC
board corrects problem, return it to there local Lincoln
Electric Field Service Shop.





It is possible that this light could turn on when power is first

If machine can be reset, it is OK to continue operation.

applied to machine.

The nozzle is not in place.

Securely fasten nozzle in place.

While cutting if the voltage between the nozzle and

By pressing reset, the machine will be functional.

the work is too high, it will put the machine into SAFETY.

This occurs most often when the consumables
are wearing out. By removing the hafnium that
builds up on the inside of the nozzle, it is possible
to extend the life of the consumables.

If the cable is punctured or cut, it can trip the SAFETY.

By pressing reset, it will clear the SAFETY. When
cutting is tired again, the machine will either go into
MALFUNCTION or SAFETY; until that time, the
machine will not indicate a malfunction.
