Davey SP601 Series SPAPOWER CONTROLLERS User Manual
User’s guide

User’s Guide
SP400P, Q400PAU-10, Q400PAU-15
SP601AU-15, SP601AU-15T
Q601AU-20, SP601AU-20T
Q601AU-30, SP601AU-30T
SP400P & SP601
8 Self-Diagnostic Error Codes
The Spa Power controller has extensive self diagnostic capabilities. In the event of a problem it will indicate an error
number according to the nature of the problem. The error numbers and their meanings are listed below.
Note:When in an error state the alarm can be muted by pushing the AIR/AUX button.
Error 1 (H20) - Prime Failed
This is not necessarily a problem with the controller itself, but indicates that no water is being detected in the heater
housing. Prime failed is a special case in that it can be recovered from by pushing a button.A push of the pump
button will run the pump for 10 seconds to try to get water to the heater.If successful normal operation will resume.
If unsuccessful, Error 1(H20) will be indicated on the display again. With any Error 3-8, spa operation will stop
and not continue until the controller is reset. The controller can only be reset by pushing the UP, DOWN and
PUMP buttons simultaneously. The controller will remain in an error condition even when reset at mains power,
controller will only continue normal operation after the UP, DOWN and PUMP buttons are pushed simultaneously
(see below).
Error 3 - Stuck Button
This error indicates that one of the buttons in the touchpad is stuck or has been held down for more than one minute.
This may be caused by the pool cover pressing on the touchpad or by water getting into the touchpad or by damage
to the touchpad or its cable. Try to reset the spa. If there is still a problem then contact your spa pool supplier.
Error 4 - No Water Sensor
This error indicates a problem with the optical water sensor in the heater. The problem may by caused by the sensor
being disconnected or by damage to the sensor. Try to reset the spa. If there is still a problem then contact your spa
pool supplier.
Error 5 - Overtemperature
This error indicates that the digital temperature sensor in the heater or pool has detected a temperature of 45
C or
more.This may not be a problem with the controller, it may be caused by excessive pump use in hot weather, or
pump failure. Turn off the spa and allow time for the water to cool. If there is still a problem then contact your spa
pool supplier.
Error 6 - Thermal Cut Out Tripped
This error indicates that the safety electromechanical over temperature cut out on the heater has operated. This
is not necessarily a problem with the controller. It may have occurred from an air lock around the element, high
temperatures during shipping, or failure of the pump. This automatic cut out will only reset once the element has
cooled below about 38 C. The unit must then be reset before it will resume operation. Manually push the UP,
DOWN and PUMP buttons simultaneously.
Error 7- Stuck Relay
This error indicates a problem with the heater control circuitry inside the unit. Contact your spa pool supplier.
Error 8 - No Temperature Data
This error indicates a problem with the digital temperature sensor in the heater or pool wall or that both the in
heater and in pool sensors are connected. Check that only one sensor is connected and that it has not become
disconnected or damaged. Try to reset the spa. If there is still a problem then contact your spa pool supplier.
P/N Q916321-3 supersedes P/N Q916321-2
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