6 rs232 simplex output option mode, 7 replacement kits – Condec UPS3210 User Manual
Page 63

Options, Replacement Kits
RS232 Simplex Output Option Mode
UPS3000A[][], UPS3000C[][], UPS3210A[][], UPS3110C[][], UPS3110A[][], UPS3210C[][] use PN 57788
NOTE: This may not be used with the following options in “DEMAND FORMAT”, APC 4000 or APC4001 interface, Peak
hold, Min/Max or Battery. This may not be used with the following options in “CONTINUOUS FORMAT”, APC 4000 or
APC4001 interface or Battery.
Their are two modes of operation, Continuous or Demand.
Continuous Mode: Model is continuously sending data.
Demand Mode: Must be done from the front panel of the UPS3000 using a button. The button is the hidden one
between the CONV and CAL button’s This is not a two-way mode and cannot be done externally by PC.
NOTE: For Software configuration See “Serial Output Software Configuration” on page 16.
The serial output is accessed at J2, a round 5-pin male connector located at the rear of the unit. Pin designations:
Pin D - Serial Output Data (Xmit), Pin E - Return (Gnd).
Replacement Kits
There are numerous replacement part numbers mentioned throughout manual that can be ordered.
UPS3000 Panel Mount Kit...........................................................................PN 19297
Can be mounted through panels of any thickness up to 1-1/4 inches. Panel cut-out size and overall unit
dimensions are as shown below.
Figure 7-3. Panel Cut-out
APC4000 Interface Cable Kit...........................................................................PN 55576
NOTE: Used with model’s UPS3000 & UPS3210 only. See “APC4000/APC4001 Interface Option Enable” on page 9 for
configuration switch settings.
Approximately 1994 multi conversion software was added to UPS3000 models, therefore UPS3000 and PCM1000 units
made prior to this will not work with the ones manufactured after that date.
The APC4000 interface is an option available on UPS3000 units that are purchased in conjunction with
CONDEC PCM1000-1, PN 54652, pressure controllers. The output is accessed from the rear of the unit at
connector J3, a 15-pin D-sub female connector which supplies a 20 mA loop and communication to the
controller input. Cable connects to J2 on PCM1000-1. See APC4000/APC4001 manual, PN 63254, for further