Cp operator – Yokogawa Data Acquisition with PID Control CX2000 User Manual
Page 4

IM CX1000-S33E
2. CP Operator
There are two CP computation operators to compute CP value (wt %) in furnace atmosphere for
1. _SC01: CP value computation with
electromotive force.
2. _SC02: CP value computation by CO
partial pressure.
- Available data in _SC01 (_SC02) computation expression: Measurement data, control
measurement data, constant for measurement/control data.
- No more than two CP computation operators can be written in a computation expression
except conditional expressions.
- CP operators can be used in both measurement and control computation.
_SC01 operator
By means of the SC01 operator, CP value can be computed; A Zirconium oxygen sensor signal temperature and
CO are commuted into a CP value (%)..
_SC01 (e1.e2.e3)
e1: furnace temperature
e2: CO partial pressure (%)
e3: O2 signal (V)
When the furnace temperature is lower than threshold (727.7 degree Celsius) or computation
result is error, the fixed value (2.000V) is used for computation result.
_SC02 Operator
By means of the SC02 operator, CP value can be computed; CO2 partial pressure, temperature and CO are
commuted into a CP value (%).
_SC01 (e1.e2.e3)
e1: furnace temperature
e2: CO partial pressure (%)
e3: CO2 signal (%)
When the furnace temperature is lower than threshold (727.7 degree Celsius) or
computation result is error, the fixed value (2.000V) is used for computation result.
- As there are some cases that CP computation value is different from
Zirconium oxygen sensor
types, please correct it by such as four arithmetic operation. (See Appendix 2)
- When the CP operators and the other operators are used in a computation expression and
the computation result is error, the preset value is output.
For example: PV=_SC01(01.CI02.W01.W02)*CI03
If computation result is error, the preset value is output.