Foreword, Overview – Yokogawa Data Acquisition with PID Control CX2000 User Manual

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IM CX1000-S33E



Thank you for purchasing the CX1000/CX2000. This user’s manual describes an additional
computation operators for carbon potential of heat treatment.
Please refer to IM CX1000-S33E for the other special functions.
Please refer to the following IM for standard functions.

- CX1000/CX2000Users’ Manual (IM04L31A01-01E, IM04L31A01-03E)

- CX1000/CX2000 Communication Users’ Manual (IM04L31A01-17E)

- DAQSTANDARD Users’ Manual (IM04L31A01-61E)

1. Overview

The following functions are expanded.

CP operators allow CX to compute CP value that is used for furnace atmosphere control. The CP
value is computed from furnace temperature (C, F), CO (vol %), Zirconium oxygen sensor (mV) or CO2
(vol %).

CO analysis

Zirconium oxygen sensor

Control valve

Carbon potential

Furnace temperature