APC UCCS Temperature Control User Manual
Page 30

Installation methods/materials as follows:
1. Concealed and Inaccessible: Copper tubing (type ACR) without joints or FR plastic
without joints in metal conduit. Exceptions: Room thermostat drops in stud walls
may be FR plastic tubing in areas with lay-in ceiling. Lines encased in concrete must
be in metal conduit, and their location must be shown on as-built control drawings.
2. Concealed and Accessible (including ceiling return air plenums): Same as for con-
cealed and inaccessible, except the air lines may have joints.
3. Exposed: Hard-drawn ACR copper or FR plastic in metal raceway, installed parallel
to building lines. All joints shall be brazed.
4. Final Connections:
a. Where copper tubing is used, a short section of FR plastic tubing (18" long
maximum) is acceptable at final connection to control device. However, copper-
to-barb fittings shall be used at junctions; plastic slipped over copper tubing is not
5. Pneumatic tubing may be run in conduit containing electrical wiring as long as conduit
size meets electrical code for capacity.
6. Where pneumatic tubing exits control panels, provide bulkhead fittings. Where
copper tubing exits junction boxes or panels, provide bulkhead fittings.
B. All control-air piping shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner parallel to
building lines, with adequate support. Piping above suspended ceilings shall be supported
from or anchored to structural members or other piping and/or duct supports. Tubing shall
not be supported by or anchored to electrical conduits.
C. Pressure-test main control-air piping to 30 psi for 24 hours prior to connection to control
devices. Test fails if there is a loss of more than 5 psi. The pressure test shall be witnessed
by the Owner's Representative or Engineer. Provide pressure-test certification to the
D. For animal-holding areas, provide alarmed auto-bypass around air dryer activated by low
pressure on discharge side of air dryer.
A. All control piping (impulse lines) for liquid service shall be copper or stainless steel with
compression fittings.
B. Piping shall be installed so as not to trap air and shall pitch towards the main line.
C. Where pressure is measured in hot liquids or steam, extend the sense tubing to allow the
liquid to cool below the operating range of the instrument. The required tubing length can
be found in the Data Instruments or Kele catalogs.