APC UCCS Temperature Control User Manual
Page 17

A. Air tubing shall be either copper (ACR) in exposed areas, or Type FR polyethylene (within
conduit). Soft copper is acceptable in concealed areas.
B. Cables shall be shielded when so recommended by manufacturer. Conductor size shall be in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations subject to specified minimum size. See
Part 3 for allowable types.
C. All insulated wire to be copper conductors, UL labeled for 90C minimum service.
D. Raceway for both wiring and pneumatic tubing shall be per Division 16.
E. The Contractor shall provide and install:
1. TVSS surge protectors for incoming 120 VAC power to all controllers. Surge
protectors furnished shall be UL 1449 listed.
2. Transient voltage protection for all twisted pair and coaxial data communication lines
between controllers. Provide all required repeaters to assure signal integrity.
A. Shall be two-way or three-way type for two-position or modulating service as scheduled,
shown on drawings, or as specified in Sequence of Operation.
B. Closeoff (differential) Pressure Rating: Valve actuator and trim shall be furnished to
provide the following minimum closeoff pressure ratings:
1. Water Valves:
a. Two-way - 150% of total system (pump) head.
b. Three-way - 300% of pressure differential between ports A and B at design flow
or 100% of total system (pump) head.
2. Steam Valves: 150% of operating (inlet) pressure.
C. Water Valves: [Note to Consultant: The consultant shall provide a schedule for the
Controls Contractor listing the available pressure drop to be used for valve sizing for
each control valve in the project, unless it is a reverse-return system. It is not
acceptable to list a single pressure drop to be used for all valves. For a piping system in
which modulated two-way valves are used, for example, the valves nearest the pump
will have a larger available pressure drop than those farther away from the pump.]
1. Body and trim style and materials shall be per manufacturer's recommendations for
design conditions and service shown, with equal percentage ports for modulating
service, except where stated otherwise.