Rapid-Air SERVO FEED: KBX SERIES User Manual
Page 28

(Predefined Variable, Integer, Status Variable, Read-Only)
Guidelines - 0 means the drive is not faulted and not enabled, while 8 means the drive is not
faulted and enabled. Alternating 8.> means actively inhibiting CW motion and alternating
8.< means actively inhibiting CCW motion
(Blinking) 1 1 Velocity feedback (VelFB) over speed
(Blinking) 2 2 Motor Over-Temp
(Blinking) 3 3 Drive Over-Temp
(Blinking) 4 4 Drive I*t
(Blinking) 5 5 1-n Fault (9x3)
(Blinking) 6 6 Control ±12 V supply under voltage
(Blinking) 7 7 Output over current or bus over voltage
(Blinking) 9 9 Not Assigned
(Blinking) A 10 Bus OV detected by DSP
(Blinking) b 11 Auxiliary +5V Low
(Blinking) C 12 Not assigned
(Blinking) D 13 Not assigned
(Solid) E* 14 Processor throughput fault
(Blinking) E* 14 Power Up Self Test Failure
(Alternating) E1 225 Bus UV, Bus Voltage VBUSTHRESH
(Alternating) E2 226 Ambient Temp Too Low
(Alternating) E3 227 Encoder commutation align failed
(Only CommSrc=1)
(Alternating) E4 228 Drive software incompatible with NV
memory version
(Alternating) E5* 229 Control Card hardware not compatible with
drive software version
(Alternating) E6 230 Drive transition from unconfigured to
configured while enabled
(Alternating) E7 231 Two AInNull events too close together
(Alternating) F1 241 Excessive Position Following Error
(Alternating) F3 243 Parameter Checksum Error (Memory Error)
*FaultReset cannot reset these faults.
See ExtFault for further information on Blinking E, Blinking 1 and Alternating F3.