C-400, Software, Windows library (dll) – Pacific Laser Equipment C-400 User Manual
Page 11: Labview driver library, Command reference
Motor controller 4ch
User manual
November 19, 2002
Release: 1.30
2002 by
Pacific Laser Equipment
PLEquipment, 3941 S. Bristol St. Unit D-122, Santa Ana, CA. 92704,
509-355-5155, Fax: 509-355-5155, Email: [email protected]
Page 11 of 21
7. Software
Windows Library (DLL)
On the CD provided the user will find the C812Lib202.dll file under the \DRIVERS directory.
LabView Driver Library
See content in the \DRIVERS folder on the CD.
Command Reference
All C-400
commands use two-letters to identify the type of operation followed by pertinent data values,
if necessary. For example, TP by itself is adequate to display the motor position, but MR alone would
be useless, because the system would not know how far you wished to move. All commands are
checked for acceptability as they are entered. MR, for example, must be followed by a minimum of 1
and a maximum of 9 digits to accommodate the allowable range of motion.
commands are arranged by group for the following discussion.
Motion and sequencing commands
AB Abort motion
DH Define home
GH Go home
MN Motor on
MF Motor off
MR Move relative
MA Move absolute
RP Repeat from beginning of line
WA Wait absolute time
WS Wait stop
FE Find edge (find limit)
Parameter setup commands
SV Set Velocity
SA Set Acceleration
SM Set maximum following error
LN Limit switch operation ON
LF Limit switch operation OFF
Reporting commands Report Identifier
CS Report checksum C:
TI Tell iteration number X:
Reports all listed macro commands
TY Tell programmed velocity Y:
TL Tell programmed acceleration L:
TE Tell error (distance from target) E:
TP Tell position P:
TT Tell target position T:
TV Tell actual velocity V: