Asante Technologies 65120 User Manual
Page 19

3.3.4 Firmware Update
On the Firmware Update screen, the system can be configured to download and boot from a new image off
the network (Please refer to Chapter 5 when updating software). Choose from the following options:
Net option:
This option allows the user to try out a new image before upgrading. It requires a TFTP server and a server
IP address to retrieve the specified image from the given IP address. The new image will not overwrite the
one in the flash (This option is the default setting.).
Net & save option:
This option requires the same setup as the Net option, i.e. TFTP server and a new image. However, it
copies the image to the flash directly and the system boots from the flash afterwards.
Last Saved option:
This option will automatically show up after the Net & save option is selected and the unit is reset. Save the
configuration to NVRAM and reset the switch. The image will load automatically after the switch resets.
Enter the TFTP Server IP Address and Filename information in the appropriate fields.
3.3.5 Reset
In this screen the user can reset the switch. This is primarily used to update the firmware or restore defaults.