Specific use effects, Obvious fever, Masked fever vs. steady state – ZOLL Thermogard XP IVTM Physician Manual User Manual
Page 20: Specific use effects 19, Obvious fever 19, Masked fever vs . steady state 19, Masked fever vs . steady state

Physicians' Manual
600248-001 Rev 3
Specific Use Effects
Obvious Fever
Upon first presentation of a fever in a patient in a neurologic intensive care unit,
standard practice should include the taking of appropriate cultures and antibiotic
therapy based upon the result. This practice should be continued when using the
IVTM System and Cool Line catheter.
Patient Temperature
Bath Temperature
If the IVTM System and Cool Line catheter have been in use for some time, the
presence of a fever requires investigation. It is possible for a patient to spike a fever
and overcome the capacity of the system. Should this occur at any time the physician
1. Confirm that the system is functioning properly.
• Make sure that the system is turned on and is connected.
• Check the display to make sure that an alarm state has not been de-
• Confirm that the pin-wheel flow indicator is spinning.
• Confirm that the patient temperature probe is working. (When standard
probes fail they usually do so as an open circuit. This failure mode would
be automatically detected and brought to your attention.)
2. Begin the standard regimen for the investigation of fever.
In very light patients or in the elderly, fever response may be, respectively, either
easily overcome by the system or naturally damped. Regardless of patient temper-
ature or weight, the presence of a cold bath (i.e., minimum bath temperature)
should be regarded as the equivalent of a fever and the standard regimen for
investigating a fever should be started. If in doubt, turn the IVTM System to
standby mode for 1-2 hours and monitor the patient’s temperature. Restart the
system as clinically indicated.
Masked Fever vs. Steady State
These two states can be difficult to distinguish. If in doubt, put the IVTM System into
standby mode and observe the patient’s temperature for 1-2 hours. Restart the
system as clinically indicated.
With the IVTM System, there is a clear indicator of the activity of the system on the
right hand edge of the display. The red/blue meter indicates whether the IVTM
System is heating (red) or cooling (blue). In fever response mode, the display will
, this should alert the user to the possibility of another episode
of sepsis and standard antisepsis regimens should be followed.