White’s Electronics MXT Pro User Manual
Page 34

preferred over 2 Tone.
The 5th option is Threshold level. It is best to search
with a continuous hum or threshold (edge of sound). In
many modes you can hear rejected targets (threshold
fades) and be made aware when and where con-
centrations of trash items lay, indicating traffic areas
more likely to produce good targets. It, however, also
requires more patience and concentration. Finding the
Threshold, and then setting the Threshold just coun-
terclockwise of it, provides good performance for those
who cannot tolerate the continuous Threshold hum.
1. MODE to Prospecting.
2. Trigger (on handgrip) center “primary Searching”
3. TRAC to Ground position.
4. GAIN to “Triangle” position.
5. Threshold, adjust for slight hum (edge of sound).
6. DUAL CONTROL to SAT “Triangle”.
7. Pump the search coil on the ground to be searched
until ground ceases to respond.
8. Move the coil just over the ground and listen for
the distinct repeatable beep produced by a metal
target. The Prospecting Mode utilizes a VCO (Volt-
age Controlled Oscillator) audio, thus the pitch of the
beep varies with the strength of the target. It is wise to
plant metals just under the soil to practice on in order
to learn to recognize what it will sound like. Planting a
metal target disturbs the ground mineral, which usually
reduces the depth it would have been found in undis-
turbed ground. It will take practice to determine the
proper search speed and technique. Do not go too fast,
two seconds from right-to-left and two seconds return-
ing from left-to-right. Overlap your sweep path so that
Prospecting MODE
you won’t miss the small and/or deeper metal targets.
9. Once a solid repeatable VCO beep is located
consult the display VDI number and % ? Iron. Squeeze
and hold the Trigger on the handgrip and “+” the
search coil over the area to pinpoint.
10. Ground Mineralization:
A. For Salt/Alkali environments proceed exactly
as above only with the TRAC toggle in the Salt
B. For areas with an abundance of decomposed
man made iron (which may make the MXT Pro
difficult to operate), proceed exactly as above only
once you pump the loop over the ground in the
Ground TRAC setting, then set the TRAC control
to Lock.
C. For highly inconsistent ground it may be neces-
sary to increase the Dual Control SAT adjustment
clockwise. Hyper SAT provides threshold mainte-
nance for the most extreme conditions. Search
coil motion becomes increasing more critical at
these higher SAT speeds.
The Prospecting MODE will require greater pa-
tience to use compared to the Coin & Jewelry and
Relic MODES. It is designed to locate all varieties
of metal alloys and then give some indications as
to if the metal being detected is made of ferrous
(iron) or nonferrous (not iron).
As the name and target labels imply, the Prospect-
ing MODE is designed to find gold nuggets, how-
ever, these settings and features will also respond
to all metal alloys including common coins. Any
target likely to be iron (ferrous) produces an audio
grunt and any metal target not readily identified
as iron (nonferrous) produces a traditional VCO
pitched beep (zip sound).
Upon repeated search coil sweeps, small or
weak targets can be obscured by ground tracking
Chapter MXT Pro Searching