White’s Electronics MXT Pro User Manual
Page 16

2. Blocks - The MXT Pro Relic mode uses the same
sixteen filled in Blocks as Coin and Jewelry mode to further
confirm, on the reference label, the connection between the
VDI number and software’s best determination of the target
identity. The vertical size (one quarter, one half, or the whole
block) tells one how sure the MXT Pro is of the target ID.
Full bar and half bar usually means dig. Quarter blocks are
Chapter 4 MXT Pro Display
5. PP Blocks- Trigger (on the handgrip) squeezed and
held or pushed forward to lock, the PP blocks aid in pin-
pointing the exact center of the metal target. Only when
the search coil is directly over the center of the metal target
(longest possible length PP Blocks) is the depth reading
giving you the most accurate depth indication in inches.
Also of importance is that with some experience the relative
size and shape of the metal target can be recognized during
pinpointing. Small pinpoint = small target. Relatively larger
pinpoint = larger target. Elongated pinpoint = elongated tar-
get. The exception is that a large target that is very deep will
tend to provide a small pinpoint area as well as an inaccu-
rately shallow depth indication. Use this to your advantage;
a shallow depth indication (0-1 inch), having dug six inches
and not found the target, is a larger deeper target.
Relic MODE
The Relic MODE also provides 5 different significant indica-
tions on the display.
1. VDI Numbers- As with the Coin & Jewelry mode the
relic VDI (Visual Discrimination Indication) is a reference
number dictated mostly by the metal targets exact alloy,
size, and shape. And just like coins and jewelry, relics can
indicate with similar VDI numbers for different objects be-
cause their makeup and electrical characteristics are similar.
Using the reference label below the display one can see that
iron relics are still in the low VDI numbers and objects like
brass buttons and buckles with a high concentration of non-
ferrous metal or alloy rate higher VDI numbers compared to
their size and purity.
top display is
a sure ID. The
bottom display
with its quarter
size bar sug-
gests uncertain
unless the
Depth reading
is 6-12.
Mode toggle
switch Center
for Relics