TIF ZX Heated Pentode Refrigerant Detector User Manual

Page 9

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automatic circuit/Reset feature

The unit features Automatic Circuit and Reset functions that set the unit to ignore

ambient concentrations of refrigerant .

automatic circuit - Upon initial power-on and completion of the warm-up, the unit

automatically sets itself to ignore the level of refrigerant present at the tip . Only a level,

or concentration, greater than this level will cause an alarm . Note: Since this feature

causes the unit to ignore any refrigerant present at the probe tip after warm-up is

completed, the unit should be powered on and allowed to warm up in fresh air.

Reset feature - Resetting the unit during operation performs a similar function; it

programs the circuit to ignore the level of refrigerant present at the tip . Each time the

Reset Key is pressed (and released), the unit sets its threshold for detection to a

level above the current concentration being detected . By moving closer to a large leak,

and pressing Reset each time a full detection is indicated, the user can pinpoint the

source of the leak (higher concentration) .

Similarly, the unit can be moved to fresh air and reset for maximum sensitivity .

Resetting the unit with no refrigerant present (fresh air) causes any level above zero to

be detected . The unit is set to its maximum sensitivity in the chosen sensitivity level .

To reset the unit, press the Reset Key . Each time the Reset Key is pressed, the LEDs

briefly show orange to provide a visual confirmation of the reset action .

sensitivity adjustment

The unit provides two levels of sensitivity . When the unit is switched on, it is set to the

high sensitivity position .

1 . To change the sensitivity of the unit, press the Sensitivity Key . When the key is

pressed, the LEDs light in orange from right to left, providing a visual confirmation

and indication that the unit is in LOW sensitivity mode .

2 . To switch back to high sensitivity again, press the Sensitivity Key . The LEDs light in

orange from left to right, providing a visual confirmation and indication that the unit

is in HIGH sensitivity mode .