Teledyne LeCroy USB2-HSIC Decoder User Manual
Page 13

Instruction Manual
Searching Waveforms
Choosing Search on the Decode Setup dialog opens a Zoom of the original decoded waveform and displays the
corresponding Zoom dialog with the standard rescaling controls.
Enter the search criteria on the dialog:
SearchType - USB element to find. Options include Any, Event, Handshake Packet, Token Packet, Data Packet,
Transaction, or Protocol Error.
SearchSubtype - Type of the USB element selected in SearchType (e.g., can be ACK, NAK, or other supported
type when searching Handshake Packets).
Then, use the navigation buttons on the Search dialog to find the previous or next event in the trace that
matches the search criteria.
NOTE: If the match is found in a message currently displayed on the result table, that row will be highlighted.
However, if it is not displayed, the Search navigation buttons will not automatically bring up that row on the
table, although they will navigate the trace. Use the scrollbar at the right of the result table to find the
highlighted row containing the search result.
The default Zoom always presents the found event at the full width of the grid. Use the Zoom dialog controls
to rescale the Zoom to the desired level of magnification.
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