Add measurements to mask test – Teledyne LeCroy ET-PMT - Electrical Telecom Pulse Mask Testing User Manual

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Electrical Telecom Pulse Mask Test Software

Add Measurements to Mask Test

In addition to measuring pulse compliance relative to a given mask, a full set of parametric measurements
are available. Measurements are made on the masked waveform as it appears on screen.

NOTE: Some measurements are incremental and will be reset if you Clear Sweeps during the test.

1. From the menu bar, choose Measure > Measure Setup and choose a parameter location (Px).

2. Touch Source and select ET.

3. Touch Measure and select the desired measurement parameter. If right-hand dialogs offer additional

settings for the selected parameter, enter values on these dialogs.

The measurement read out appears in a table beneath the grid.

4. To place markers exactly where on the waveform measurements are being made, choose a Marker type

and check Always On in the Help section of the dialog.

You can repeat this setup with different parameters for as many locations as your instrument offers.


923136 Rev A