Set up standard mask test – Teledyne LeCroy ET-PMT - Electrical Telecom Pulse Mask Testing User Manual

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Electrical Telecom Pulse Mask Test Software

Set Up Standard Mask Test

1. From the menu bar, choose Analysis > Electrical Telecom to display the Electrical Telecom setup dialog.

2. Touch Telecom Standard and select the desired standard. This will automatically set the requisite bit

rate, mask, and pulse isolation criteria for the measurement.

3. Touch Source and select the channel to which the signal is connected.

4. Optionally, modify the following settings:


Polarity - in many electrical standards, alternate “ones” are inverted (Alternate Mark Inversion).
The Polarity control allows you to select which polarity pulse (positive or negative) to test.


Attenuation - allows you to enter an attenuation value to be applied to the test signal to allow for
cable or other systematic losses. Attenuation can be set from 0.5 to 1 in steps of 0.01, with 1
meaning “no external attenuation” and 0.5 corresponding to an amplitude reduction of 50%.


Offset - allows for the correction of DC offsets in the signal under test. Offset can be set from -50
mV to 50 mV.

5. Select any of the following Actions to take when a test fails. You can select any number of actions.


Save—stores the failed waveform in a file. When this option is selected, the Save Waveform tab


appears in the main dialog. Touch this tab to set the file name and storage location.


Stop—stops testing on the first failure.


Alarm—generates an audible alarm on each failure. To use this option, make sure Audible
Feedback is enabled on the oscilloscope (Utilities > Preferences Setup > Preferences tab).


Pulse—generates a pulse at the auxiliary output BNC connector. When this option is selected, the
Aux Output tab appears. Touch this tab to set the type of pulse.


Hardcopy—captures a screen print of the failed mask test and processes it according to the
oscilloscope's current Hardcopy settings (e.g., send to printer, email, print to file). When this option
is selected, the Hardcopy tab appears. Touch this tab to set the format and devices.


Stop Test—gives you the ability to stop the test after a predetermined number of sweeps have been
completed. When this option is selected, the After field alongside the checkbox becomes active.
Touch After to set the number of sweeps by means of the pop-up keypad.

The Force Actions Once button immediately executes all of the selected actions when it is pressed.

6. Touch Setup to apply the test settings. This enables the Run and Clear Sweeps buttons, and Setup

changes to Re-align.

NOTE: If an incorrect (or no) adapter is present, an error message will appear at the bottom of the screen.
The test can be run without the specific adapter, but if the signal is out of range for the standard, the Run
button will remain disabled. Although the signal appears on screen, no testing is possible.


923136 Rev A