Introduction, Standards supported – Teledyne LeCroy ET-PMT - Electrical Telecom Pulse Mask Testing User Manual
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Electrical Telecom Pulse Mask Test Software
ET-PMT is a software package that measures pulse mask compliance of electrical telecommunications
signals. Pulse mask testing consists of acquiring the given signal in an oscilloscope and comparing the
voltage vs. time waveform to a standard mask. The mask defines regions in V,t space where a compliant
signal must remain.
Below is an example of an ET-PMT pulse mask:
In cases where there are alignment criteria, such as a positive-going or negative-going pulse, the tests
include settings to define these criteria, and the ET-PMT software will automatically find only those pulses.
Standards Supported
The ET-PMT package supports the following ANSI and ITU standards.
E1 (twisted pair)
E1 (coax)
In addition to these standards, It is also possible to define modified or custom pulse mask tests.
923136 Rev A
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